
Capital Crime London 2024

happy Friday bookish people! I hope you’re all having a good day!

today I am going to be sharing with you my experience at Capital Crime, a festival for crime fiction lovers, that was held at the Royal Leonardo Hotel in London May 30th-1st June 2024.

There was so much going on that I didn’t get to so in this review I am going to talk about what I did go to but I wanted to make sure everyone knows that there was plenty for everyone to experience and so much more than just the things I’ll tell you about. I’m going t to talk through the highlights for me.

Okay so, my trip got off to a bumpy start. I live in the south west of England so it was a trek to london, especially because we can’t trust the trains to get us there on time so we took the coach. At midnight. Safe to say, I didn’t get much sleep but I was running on nervous energy anyway because that first day there was the option to apply for an agent 1-2-1 meeting and I was excited because I had found out I had one of those spots, and the meeting went very well so even though I’d had no sleep the day started out great.

Next I went to a panel where a team of mystery authors battled against a team of thriller authors answering questions about each others books, it was good but because I didn’t know any of the books themselves it was easy to watch and not take that much of it in. Straight after this we left the event to go and get checked into our hotel and have a quick break and snack. Then we were back, energised and ready to keep going, and this was the part of the festival I was the most excited about – the panel with Rob Rinder on it. Which was so good. Then even better than that, I got to meet Rob Rinder and he signed my book and took some photos with me, he was a lovely man and it made it a great day. Then I finished the main panels off with watching Anthony Horowitz and Ella Griffith, also very good even though by this point I was very tired.
Then to top off the day they had the Fingerprint awards, it felt very glamourous to be there watching some awards.

Over the rest of the weekend we watched panels on medicine within crime fiction which was very interesting, we watched Lucy Foley and Alex Michaeledes talk about locked room mysteries which are some of my favourites, we watched Mark Billingham and John Connolly read hilarious one star reviews and fan letters that they had been sent. And on top of this we were in the room when Linda Calvey talked about her innocence, considering she’s known as the Black Widow killer it was a gripping talk.

Friday evening we went to the Crime quiz held by A J West, who was one of the nicest people we spoke with over the weekend, and okay, we did terribly at the quiz but the evening was a good laugh and that made up for it. On the Saturday night the Fun Loving crime writers were there having a party but we didn’t go to that because we had an 8am coach the next morning but I hear it was a great night.

so overall I’d say the weekend was a bunch of fun and I hope I will get to go back next year!

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