blog tours, Book Reviews

Book Review: Fake News by C J Dunford

Happy Friday bookish people! I hope everyone is having a good day. Today is my spot on the blog tour for Fake News by C J Dunford. Thank you to Love Books Tours and Fledgling Press for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

In this book review I will give star ratings to four categories and I will write a little about each one. I will try to keep it as spoiler free as possible. I hope you enjoy my book review.

Fake News Plot:

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I will start by saying that even after reading the whole book I’m still uncertain on what the plot was all about. It was a nice, quick and easy read that had an intriguing cast of characters. I enjoyed that we see the perspective of each of the characters and that the book is not afraid to explore subjects such as MS, it’s symptoms and how others – such as Department of work and pensions – don’t always understand disabilities. That’s something I’ve actually experienced myself so it was interesting to see it included in a book.

Fake News Characters:

Rating: 3 out of 5.

As I said I liked that we got to see the perspective of all of the main characters. I also liked that each of them had separate and well written personalities, however, I didn’t feel connected to any of them on a deeper level like I usually do.

Fake News Writing and Dialogue:

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The writing style of this book was something I did enjoy. I didn’t get confused about which characters perspective we were following in each chapter, as I sometimes do with multiple POV books. I also liked that the text was split up by ‘fake news’ articles that the characters are posting online and in newspapers. This made it easier for me personally to get into the book and everything that was happening.

Fake News Overall:

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I gave this book three stars overall because although it was an enjoyable and quick read it’s not a book I see myself picking up to reread.


Four teenagers, and one dog, suffer at the hands of online media and come up with a plan to show people they should never trust what they read on the internet.

They launch their own news site detailing amazing, shocking, utterly believable but totally untrue stories.

They always intend to come clean, but success goes to their heads and before long they are enmeshed in a world of spies and aliens. How will they get out of this unscathed?

That’s it for this book review, I hope you enjoyed it!

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman Book Review

Happy Monday bookish people! This was the sixth book I read for the Becca and the Books 48 hour Bookopoly challenge. The prompt for this one was first in a series. I’d gotten the whole of the Invisible Library series so far given to me for Christmas last year so I was very excited to finally get to start this series.

In this book review I will give star ratings for four categories and I will write a little about each one. I will try to keep it as spoiler free as possible. I hope you enjoy my book review.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

The plot of this book is intricate and well put together. It has one of my favourite things to be in books currently – books about books, or in this case books about spy librarians. I loved the mixture of a spy with a library worker. The plot was interesting and kept me hooked throughout, my only issue was that the whole book was fast paced, there were no moments to breathe and so I felt that the book could have benefitted from a few moments that were less tense so that I could just focus on the characters and their relationships in those moments. It set the world up very well for the rest of the books in the series.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

I adored the characters in this book, mainly Irene and Kai. This book gave me the feelings of a cosy crime novel even though it’s an adult fantasy book, just because of the characters and the villians in the story. I personally felt there was an inkling of a romance between Irene and Kai that could be developed over the rest of the series but there wasn’t much at all of it in this first book. I am really looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series and seeing what adventures they go on next.

Writing and Dialogue:

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The writing style was smooth although in some places quite technical and the dialogue was useful for showing both the personality of Irene and Kai and for showing their relationship. There’s not much else for me to say here.


Rating: 3 out of 5.

Overall I gave this book three stars. I loved the book but I think the series is going to get better the further into it I get.


Irene must be at the top of her game or she’ll be off the case – permanently…

Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. And along with her enigmatic assistant Kai, she’s posted to an alternative London. Their mission – to retrieve a dangerous book. But when they arrive, it’s already been stolen. London’s underground factions seem prepared to fight to the very death to find her book.

Adding to the jeopardy, this world is chaos-infested – the laws of nature bent to allow supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic. Irene’s new assistant is also hiding secrets of his own.

Soon, she’s up to her eyebrows in a heady mix of danger, clues and secret societies. Yet failure is not an option – the nature of reality itself is at stake. 

That’s it for this book review, I hope you enjoyed reading it!