Monthly Wrap Ups

February Wrap Up!

Happy Friday bookish people! I hope you’re all having a good day today.

Today I am bringing you the wrap up for my February reading, which, spoiler alert, did not go well.

I did a lot in February. I went to a Nightcourt Ball! based on the ACOTAR books and it was a very cool experience, I got to dress up like a fantasy princess and dance for a night and they had people dressed up as the characters from the books and even a live singer, who was excellent. It was tiring but fun.
Then next up in February, I went to Disneyland Paris with my Mum and my sister and my Sister’s family. This was also great but it didn’t give me much time for reading unfortunately.

So, onto what I read this month. I’ll save the list this month I had five books on my February TBR and I only read one (which I literally finished this morning.)

So, in February I read The Queen of Poisons by Robert Thorogood, the third book in the Marlow Murder Club series. I have loved the previous two books in the series but for me this third one fell a bit flat and well, it took me a month to finish it. I’ll give my thoughts in a review later this month but for now that’s it for this post, I didn’t manage to read anything else in February. All I hope is that I get some good books read in March.

How was your reading in February? What was your favourite book that you have read recently?

Monthly Wrap Ups

January 2024 Wrap Up

Happy Friday bookish people! I hope you’re all having a good day today.

Today I am bringing you my January Wrap Up, as I am writing this it is the 28th January 2024 so there are a few days left in January but I don’t think I’ll have time to start any of the other books from my January TBR, but I should be able to finish the one I am currently reading.

  • Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price – I did not get around to reading this book
  • What would Jane Austen Do by Linda Corbett – I wasn’t feeling any romance books this month, I am devoting a lot of my time to reading mysteries that I can reference in my PhD thesis so unfortunately other books have to be pushed to the side for the minute.
  • The Housekeepers by Alex Hay – I did read this book this month, my review is coming on the 9th February.
  • The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St James – I did not read this book.
  • The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent – I did not read this book
  • Grave Expectations by Alice Bell – I am currently reading this book, I am about halfway through and I hope to have finished it by the end of January. Review coming on 19th February.

That was all the books on my January TBR but I actually read two books from outside of my TBR which were: The Magic Faraway Tree by Jacqueline Wilson and The Cat Who Solved Three Murders by L T Shearer, a review coming on the 12th February.

What books did you read in January? Which was your favourite read of the month? My favourite was probably Grave Expectations but for me it was a bit of a meh month, the books were okay but nothing spectacular.