Monthly Wrap Ups

January 2024 Wrap Up

Happy Friday bookish people! I hope you’re all having a good day today.

Today I am bringing you my January Wrap Up, as I am writing this it is the 28th January 2024 so there are a few days left in January but I don’t think I’ll have time to start any of the other books from my January TBR, but I should be able to finish the one I am currently reading.

  • Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price – I did not get around to reading this book
  • What would Jane Austen Do by Linda Corbett – I wasn’t feeling any romance books this month, I am devoting a lot of my time to reading mysteries that I can reference in my PhD thesis so unfortunately other books have to be pushed to the side for the minute.
  • The Housekeepers by Alex Hay – I did read this book this month, my review is coming on the 9th February.
  • The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St James – I did not read this book.
  • The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent – I did not read this book
  • Grave Expectations by Alice Bell – I am currently reading this book, I am about halfway through and I hope to have finished it by the end of January. Review coming on 19th February.

That was all the books on my January TBR but I actually read two books from outside of my TBR which were: The Magic Faraway Tree by Jacqueline Wilson and The Cat Who Solved Three Murders by L T Shearer, a review coming on the 12th February.

What books did you read in January? Which was your favourite read of the month? My favourite was probably Grave Expectations but for me it was a bit of a meh month, the books were okay but nothing spectacular.

Monthly TBRs

January TBR

Happy Friday bookish people! I hope you’re all having a good day today.

Today I am sharing what I hope to be reading during January 2024, let me know if you have read any of these books and what you thought of them!

Grave Expectations by Alice Bell

I am very intrigued by this book, I love a good murder mystery especially when they have something a bit different about them and this book definitely does. A traditional manor murder mystery with the twist of the investigator being a psychic, I am looking forward to reading it.

The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent

I am very excited to read this one. It sounds like a rich adult fantasy that I could get engrossed in easily.

The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St James

I have wanted this book for a while, I saw lots of people talking about it a while back. It sounds slightly spook but very interesting.

The Housekeepers by Alex Hay

This is another book I have wanted for a long time and I was excited to get it for Christmas. I am actually reading it right now, I am about 40 or so pages in and I am hooked. It is about a group of women who are all connected as they are or were once staff in this particular house on Park Lane and they plan to stage a heist in that house while a ball is happening. I love a good heist plot so I have high hopes for this book.

What Would Jane Austen Do?

To be honest I don’t know a lot about this book, I know that it follows two neighbors and one is a romance writer and one is a crime fiction writer, I think? That sounds intriguing to me but it’s not a book I think I am going to love, we shall see.

Manslaughter Park by Tirzah Price

This is the third book in the Jane Austen inspired murder mystery series and this one is based on Mansfield Park, following Fanny Price. I have loved the previous two books in this series so I hope I will love this one just as much.